First $POWER MAIN tokens have been released on the OTCivic platform according to the schedule presented on 12/29/21.
This asset class has the particularity of being able to circulate on exchanges (tutorial) or to be “staked” to obtain a remuneration in return.
We are very proud that almost half of you have already chosen to store them in the first available offer (see our AMA in French of January 24th :
The control of volatility has been the decision of the community since September through two successive votes that have gathered a very strong support. Favoring long-term investors is therefore a choice assumed by the $POWER team.
What is staking?
It is the temporary immobilization of your $POWER MAIN within a staking offer, while remaining the owner of your tokens, by means of a secured vault.
It allows you to obtain a remuneration. This mechanism prepares your participation in the Civicpower blockchain (code name BCL1) which will be secured by a proof-of-stake mechanism based on $POWER staking. Might as well practice until our blockchain is available next year.
Join the “stakers” community if you haven’t already done so:
This first staking program is reserved for the community. It is launched for 30 days with a total reward of 15,000 $POWER MAIN to be shared among participants. These $POWER MAIN come from the marketing pool.
Other staking programs and then farming (participate in adding liquidity to PancakeSwap and allow to strengthen the LP) will be offered in the future, open to all in order to increase the size of our community. New features will be added to the experience, such as the automation of compound interest.
Click here if you would like to learn more about future rewards programs that the POWER ecosystem can offer.
$POWER Token Release Plan
The first tokens were issued on 01/25 for 1.11% of your $POWER ICO class following the planned release schedule:
Each release is an automatic conversion of a portion of your $POWER ICO to $POWER MAIN via the POWER Bridge with no acceleration fees. This will happen automatically every month and will be visible on your OTCivic account.
Refer to this article to learn more about the different asset classes of $POWER:
To transfer your $POWER MAIN to your crypto address, the operation is very simple and is done via the OTCivic platform:
Follow this tutorial if you encounter difficulties (or contact the support :
If you do not want to wait and follow the automatic release plan, it will be possible before the end of the first quarter to accelerate the release of your tokens through the POWER Bridge, assuming of course the acceleration cost.
Coinmarketcap and Coingecko listing
After being listed on Zebitex and PancakeSwap exchanges in the last quarter of 2021, $POWER is now listed on these essential trackers of the crypto-currency world:
Get involved and push the $POWER by adding it to the CMC watch list and adding a star to Coingecko!
This referencing is accompanied by an upsurge of fake POWER websites or fake pages on social networks.
Be careful and if you have any doubts, ask your questions to the support ( or on Telegram:
We do not and will never airdrop a $POWER token.
Media coverage
The presidential elections are more than ever at the heart of the public debate, allowing us to participate by highlighting our pursuit of online voting adoption and our “side projects” like Cryptopolitics.
Here are the latest releases (FRENCH):
- La Tribune : « Digital voting allows us to reach a young public that is not used to expressing itself »
- La Tribune : « Six things to know about Votelab which wants to democratize digital voting »
- Franceinter : « NFT and 49–3: what will “Cryptopolitics” look like, the Gorafi game about the presidential candidates »
- Stratégie : « On the gorafi, there is no room for ambiguity »
- L’émission « William à midi » (C8) : « Election: what changes if you vote online? »
- BFM Business : « Votelab wants to guarantee the reliability and the transparency of the polls in a private or public framework »
- BSMART : « Metavers, the laboratory of the future »
A new sponsor for Civicpower
The Civicpower association is proud to announce the support of its new sponsor, the young French rugby hopeful Léo Coly. Léo is committed to citizenship issues and to proposing solutions to the problem of abstention among young people.
Read our press release (FR):
A newsletter was published at the beginning of the month on the occasion of the end of the private sale, find it here (FR).
We have set up a privileged partnership with Le Gorafi for the launch of our game. We will take advantage of their 3M unique monthly visitors and social network subscribers.
Our press release here (FR):
Questioning of the presidential candidates: your support is key!
The Civicpower association invites the presidential candidates to take a stand on online voting. In order to support this initiative, we have launched a citizen mobilization. Help us in 2 clicks: support our petition in favor of online voting.
C2’s n00b opinion
He definitely doesn’t like the C2 crypto! He thinks it’s a decentralized fake that we are asked to buy as easily as a lottery ticket. His thoughts, in the 2022 wishes here.
Votelab SAS is a company with a mission within the meaning of Decree №2020–1 of January 2, 2020 introduced by the PACTE Act of 2019. The company is independent, 100% owned by its founders and self-financed.
Civicpower is an association under the 1901 law. It controls access to the private key of the blockchain, the gits of the code, the governance of ChainR OÜ which holds the POWER treasure, owns the Civicpower and CryptoPolitics brand as well as the users database.
Civicpower ecosystem links:
🗳️ Civicpower
📱 Our webapp:
🌐 Website :
☢️ Beta test group:
💡 Idea box:
Partner integrator France:
Main website:
The burnlist:
🦄 Announcements:
Social networks:
- 📙 FAQ:
- 🇫🇷 POWER FR official
- 🇬🇧/🇺🇸 POWER EN official
📈 OTCivic
Main site:
Offer board:
Telegram :
- Main :
- Hot offers :
🎁 The famous 100k challenge:
₿ The Civicpower Blockchain:
🏆 Polls (Presidential 2022):
🤫 Cryptopolitics: secret project